This is a comprehensive tutorial on network visualization with R. It covers data input and formats, visualization basics, parameters and layouts for one-mode and bipartite graphs; dealing with multiplex links, interactive and animated visualization for longitudinal networks; and visualizing networks on geographic maps. To follow the tutorial, download the code and data below and use R and RStudio. You can also check out the most recent versions of all my tutorials here.

Universities, companies, or government agencies interested in inviting me to design trainings or lead workshops for them can e-mail

[June 2024 update] The tutorial is continuously updated and expanded. If you want to see earlier versions, they are still available here: 2015, 2016, 2017, 20182019, 2021, 2022, 2023. You can also get the new tutorial PDF and code here or on GithHub.

If you find the tutorial useful, please cite it in your work – this helps me make the case that open publishing of digital materials like this is a meaningful academic contribution: Ognyanova, K. (2024) Network visualization with R. Retrieved from

Please be patient: the frame below contains a lot of images and javascript animations and may take a bit to load.

Network analysis and visualization

This is a comprehensive tutorial on network visualization with R. It covers data input and formats, visualization basics, parameters and layouts for one-mode and bipartite graphs; dealing with multiplex links, interactive and animated visualization for longitudinal networks; and visualizing networks on geographic maps. To follow the tutorial, download the code and data below and use R and RStudio. You can also check out the most recent versions of all my tutorials here.

Universities, companies, or government agencies interested in inviting me to design trainings or lead workshops for them can e-mail

[June 2024 update] The tutorial is continuously updated and expanded. If you want to see earlier versions, they are still available here: 2015, 2016, 2017, 20182019, 2021, 2022, 2023. You can also get the new tutorial PDF and code here or on GithHub.

If you find the tutorial useful, please cite it in your work – this helps me make the case that open publishing of digital materials like this is a meaningful academic contribution: Ognyanova, K. (2024) Network visualization with R. Retrieved from

Please be patient: the frame below contains a lot of images and javascript animations and may take a bit to load.

Network visualization on a world map